The Saying ‘I Know How You Feel’ is Flawed, From a Psychologist’s Perspective
Have you ever said to someone, “I know how you feel“? Well, I think most of us have at some point, but do we truly know how others feel, or is it just a saying that we use for …
Does Brain Training Work or is it a Waste of Time? This is What Research Shows
Brain training is a hot topic. It’s a million-dollar business and its popularity is still increasing. We have been interested in increasing people’s intelligence since the study of intelligence, but computerized brain training is a relatively new …
The Affect Heuristic: How We Feel is How We Think
Do you feel that your emotions control what you think? Or do you find it difficult to be rational when you are emotional?
Write Down Your Thoughts to Become More Mindful and Consciously Aware
Do you make shopping lists? Do you use your calendar for planning? Or do you otherwise tend to write down your thoughts? Good! Writing things down can help you become more mindful and consciously aware.
People Who Are Consciously Aware of Their Emotions Deal With Them More Effectively, Study Shows
People who are consciously aware of their emotions deal with them more effectively. This idea is supported by a recent survey study by Claudia Subic-Wrana and co-workers (2014) of almost 2,000 participants (a representative sample of the German …
A 100-Year Old Word Repetition Technique is Effective in Reducing the Impact of (Negative) Words
Repeat the word milk for 45 seconds or more (remember to say it out loud), and you will find that the word begins to lose its meaning. It’s called the Milk Milk Milk exercise, and it is just …
Does Your Pursuit of Self-Esteem Damage You?
How do we increase our self-esteem, and how do raise children with high self-esteem? Many self-help books try to answer questions like these. So, the pursuit of self-esteem is a central preoccupation in our modern culture.
How Your Social Network Influences Your Romantic Relationship
We care about what others think of us, and our romantic relationships, too. The support we receive from our social networks, such as family and friends, influences the quality of our relationships.